Type 2 Diabetes
Posted by: Jemima

Posted on 04 July 2022

**Due to unforeseen circumstances, Appin Compounding Pharmacy will now be celebrating NATIONAL DIABETES WEEK from the 17-23 July.**

Next week is NATIONAL DIABETES WEEK (10-16 July) and to celebrate Appin Compounding Pharmacy will be running a week long campaign to highlight the importance of diabetes. Come in during 17-23 July to have a chat about diabetes and see what your risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes is.

Type 2 Diabetes

There are many types of diabetes, but Type 2 Diabetes is the most common. (1) The condition is often asymptomatic for a long time and may go undiagnosed. (2) Factors that put people at an increased risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes include: (1)

  • being overweight or obese
  • high blood pressure
  • high cholesterol (3)
  • smoking (3)
  • family history
  • age
  • being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent
  • being of pacific islander, Indian subcontinent or Chinese cultural background
  • having other conditions such as PCOS, gestational diabetes or having given birth to a child over 4.5kgs

There is currently no cure for Type 2 Diabetes. (1) Lifestyle modifications such as eating according to the Australian dietary guidelines (4) and engaging in physical activity according to the physical activity and exercise guidelines for all Australians (5) can help lower your risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes. (2) For those already diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes these lifestyle modifications can still help to optimise your management of the disease. (2)

Why not come in store during NATIONAL DIABETES WEEK (10-16 July) to chat more about you and Type 2 Diabetes? Brochures will be available with information for those at risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes and those already diagnosed. Trained staff and pharmacists will also be available to discuss any queries you have.


  1. Diabetes Australia. Type 2 diabetes 2022 [cited 2022 July 3]. Available from: https://www.diabetesaustralia.com.au/about-diabetes/type-2-diabetes/.
  2. Therapeutic Guidelines. Type 2 diabetes in adults 2022 [updated May 2022; cited 2022 July 3]. Available from: https://tgldcdp-tg-org-au.ezproxy.library.sydney.edu.au/viewTopic?etgAccess=true&guidelinePage=Diabetes&topicfile=type-2-diabetes-in-adults.
  3. Diabetes Australia. Prevention 2022 [cited 2022 July 3]. Available from: https://www.diabetesaustralia.com.au/about-diabetes/prevention/.
  4. National Health and Medical Research Council. Australian Dietary Guidelines. In: Department of Health and Ageing, editor. Canberra: National Health and Medical Research Council; 2013.
  5. Australian Government Department of Health. Physical activity and exercise guidelines for all Australians: For adults (18 to 64 years) 2021 [cited 2022 July 3]. Available from: https://www.health.gov.au/health-topics/physical-activity-and-exercise/physical-activity-and-exercise-guidelines-for-all-australians/for-adults-18-to-64-years.

Image from: https://www.healthline.com/health/type-2-diabetes/choosing-glucose-meter

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